A Natural-language-based Visual Query Approach of Uncertain Human Trajectories
Zhaosong Huang, Ye Zhao, Wei Chen, Shengjie Gao, Kejie Yu, Weixia Xu, Mingjie Tang, Minfeng Zhu, and Mingliang Xu. IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics (VIS 2019 VAST TVCG track).
location2vec: a situation-aware representation for visual exploration of urban locations.
Minfeng Zhu, Wei Chen, Jiazhi Xia, Yuxin Ma, Yankong Zhang, Yuetong Luo, Zhaosong Huang, Liangjun Liu. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (TITS 2019).
Exploring the Sensitivity of Choropleths under Attribute Uncertainty.
Zhaosong Huang, Yafeng Lu, Elizabeth Mack, Wei Chen, and Ross Maciejewski. IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics (2019).
Spring Festival
Quyuan Fenghe
VAUD: A Visual Analysis Approach for Exploring Spatio-Temporal Urban Data
Chen, Wei, Zhaosong Huang, Feiran Wu, Minfeng Zhu, Huihua Guan, and Ross Maciejewski. "Vaud: A visual analysis approach for exploring spatio-temporal urban data." IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics 9 (2018): 2636-2648.
Structuring Mobility Transition With an Adaptive Graph Representation.
Gu, Tianlong, Minfeng Zhu, Wei Chen, Zhaosong Huang, Ross Maciejewski, and Liang Chang. "Structuring Mobility Transition With an Adaptive Graph Representation." IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 99 (2018): 1-12.
李致昊, 朱闽峰, 黄兆嵩, 丁铁成, 罗月童, 葛嘉恒, & 陈为. (2018). 一个基于基站轨迹数据的城市移动模式可视分析系统. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 30(1), 68-78.